Mini Granny Square Camera Case

Once upon a time, the Red Haired Amazona started writing her thoughts on the Interwebs.

Some of her thoughts were about the Sonofaguns.
Some of her thoughts were about chocolate.
Some of her thoughts were about becoming Mrs Dave Grohl or Mrs Eddie Vedder.
Some of her thoughts were about how frustrating level 524 was on Pet Rescue Saga.
Some of her thoughts were about pretty birds, flowers and curios.
And some of her thoughts were about crochet. Alot actually.

So she wrote some thoughts she had thunk. And wanted to take some nice pictures about her thunk thoughts.
She had a decent smartphone camera but knew she needed something BETTER.
She couldn't afford a big sexy DSLR, so she bought the best she could afford on the day.
She bought Kevin.
Kevin is a Samsung WB350F.  And he does alright.

I previously mentioned that poor Kevin started getting a bit bumped around in the Amazonas bag. So instead of doing what a non-yarnlover would do (buy a camera case on eBay), the Amazona started making him a nice snug little crochet case.
And here it is!

Kevin looks much happier now. I think he's smiling on the inside.

Do you have a special person like Kevin in your life who needs a home?

Would you like to make a case just like Kevins?

You don't?  Oh well. Fine. It's not that hard you know. But buy it off eBay if you must.

But for the rest of you who would here's the pattern:


2.5mm hook
8 Ply Patons cotton blend in a variety of colours.
A needle!
Invisible thread to stitch stuff together.
A fat quarter of delicious fabric!
A pretty button

Crochet Stitches used:
Ch- chain
Sl St- slip stitch
SC- single crochet
DC- double crochet

Letā€™s get started!  And don't forget to sew in all your ends as you go!

Step 1

First we need 12 small granny squares.  These are standard 2 Row granny squares, but for those of you who are new to the Glory of Grannies:

1.    Start with 5 chains slip stitched into a loop or do one of those magic ring things Iā€™ve heard of.
2.   Ch3 to form first dc, then do 2 x DC,   Ch 3, 3 x DC,   Ch 3, 3 x DC,   Ch 3, 3 x DC,  Ch 3 then sl st in the top of the beginning Ch 3.
3.  Sl st over into the next corner Ch 3.  Then in the Ch 3 space of the previous row: Ch3 to form first DC, 2 x DC,  Ch 3, 3 x DC,  Ch 1; then in the next ch 3 space:  3 x DC, Ch 3, 3 x DC, Ch1; and again in the next Ch3 space: 3 x DC, Ch 3, 3 x DC, Ch 1;  ; then in the last ch 3 space:  3 x DC, Ch 3, 3 x DC, Ch1 and join to the top of the beginning Ch 3 with a Sl St.  I usually finish off by slip stitching over into the next corner ch 3 space and finishing off there.

Make 12.  They should look something like this!

Only the 2nd time in my entire life I've blocked something.  Kind of looks like an Entymologist's Insect collection.

Step 2.

Then using 6 granny squares for each side, stitch together in a grid like this:

I used invisible thread but you can use whatever you feel most comfortable using. I stitched back loops together, not the front and back loops.
You should then have two sides of 6 Grannies in grids 3 x 2.

Now weā€™re going to start making them into body parts. Sounds gruesome.

One of the grids...

Step 3.

1.    Take one of the pieces and starting on the right hand side of a long side of your grid, join the main body colour into the corner chain  ( I chose white).

2.    Ch 1, SC in the same chain space, SC into the next Ch which should be the last chain of the chain 3 space before the first cluster of 3 DCs, then SC into the top of each DC, sc into the chain loop of the next ch 1 (not into the Ch1 space if you know what I mean), SC into each of the next 3 DCs, SC in the next Ch loop.
Youā€™ve now reached your first joining point between 2 Grannies. SC in the space where they join, then SC in the next Ch 1 of the next granny. If you need to add an extra SC in there somewhere to keep your work even then by all means! 
The idea is to create a smooth line of SCs around the whole piece.  Continue all the way across to the first corner and SC in each of the 3 chains around the bend then continue as before until youā€™ve finished making sweet little SCs all the way around the rectangle of 6 granny squares.

Then Sl St into the 1st single crochet.  Finish off and now do the same for your other 3 x 2 grid.

Super dooper close up of Step 3.

The 2 front and back pieces after completing Step 3.

Step 4.

Now weā€™re going to start working on the sides!  Take the piece youā€™d like to be on the back and work as follows:

Looking at where youā€™ll start working on one of the long sides, youā€™ā€™l see the first corner, and join the white yarn in the last SC of the curve. Then:

Ch 3, then WORKING IN THE BACK LOOPS ONLY, DC into every SC of the previous row. 

When you get to the corner single crochets, work 2 DC into the one SC to make a corner fold, then continue on all the way around 3 SIDES ONLY!  On the last side, DC all the way until you get to the last 3 SCs that curve around the corner. And only work a DC into the 1st two SCs.   

You should have worked one long side, then a short end row, then the other long side.

The end that doesnā€™t get worked in the manner above will be the opening of your case.

See how on the corner, there's 2 DCs and this forms a corner in a nice little angle?
Now it sits up nicely!

Weā€™ll work on that now with Step 5:

Step 5.

Now weā€™re going to make a little flappy bit that we will attach the closing flap to later:
Sl St into the last sc in the corner and Ch 3. Then DC in each SC of the previous row across to the corner at the end. The last DC will be in the first SC of the corner.  There should be a total of 22 DCs.

Finish off.

This is what that little flappy bit looks like from the back when it's finished. Not quite sure why I didn't take a photo from the front.

Step 6.

Now Slip Stitch this side to the DC edging of the first side down one long side, then the end side and back up along the other long side leaving it open at the short end where you created the flappy bit on the end of the short side. This should create the body of your little case!

Step 7.

Weā€™re now going to make the closing flap out of a half granny triangle!
Row 1: Chain 5 to form a ring. 

Row 2: Ch 4, turn.  Then into the ring, 3 x DC, Ch 3, 3 x DC, Ch 1, 1 x DC.

Up to Row 2....
Row 3: Ch 4, turn. Then into the 1st Ch 1 space work 3 x DC, then Ch1.  3 x DC, Ch 3 and in same space (this is the apex of the triangle) 3 x DC, Ch1, 3 x DC in the last Ch 1 space, then DC into the top of the last DC (which was actually beginning Ch 3 of the previous row).

Row 3: check!
Row 4:  Ch 4, turn. Then into the 1st Ch 1 space work 3 x DC, then Ch1.  In the next Ch 1 space of the previous row 3 x DC, Ch 1. Then in the Ch 3 space at the top of the triangle 3 x DC, Ch 3, 3 x DC, Ch 1. In next Ch 1 space of previous row 3 x DC, Ch 1. Then again in next Ch 1 space 3 x DC, Ch 1, then finally DC in top of DC of the previous row.
Row 5: Ch 4, turn. Repeat row 4.

Row 6: Ch 4, turn. Repeat Row 4.

Just starting Row 6.

Step 8.

Stitch your triangle granny bit to the corresponding DCs on the case body.
You should now have a nice little case looking thing!  

If youā€™d like to also include a fabric insert so yarny bits donā€™t get caught in your cameras crevasses, keep reading!

I am Wonder Woman. Only I don't have an Invisible Jet. I have Invisible thread....

Together at last! From the back....

Close up of the open case from the front.
Nearly there!
The Fabric Insert:

Step 9.

With a piece of delicious cotton fabric, cut a long rectangle that is a fraction wider than your case and about twice as long, plus 1cm for hems.

MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I canā€™t sew.  OK, I can make a sewing machine do a straight line but thatā€™s about it. I made 2 fabric pockets before I was happy with it. I was kind of fudging it as I went along. Just donā€™t look TOO closely at the photo below because youā€™ll see how truly crap I am at sewing. The idea is to sew a little pocket that will slide into the case and be roomy enough when you put your camera inside.

I first folded and pinned a little 5mm hem on each of the short ends.

I then folded the fabric in half, right sides together and sewed up each of the two long sides to create the pocket.  I actually sewed along these edges twice for a bit of strength.

Kevin wanted to try it out...
Doesn't it look cute?

Wonder Woman uses her Invisible thread to sew the pocket into the case.
I sewed it in so there was still a lip of white yarn above it.

Tah- dah!

Now for the attacher thingo.  I used a button. You could also use snap studs or Velcro. Your choice!
I put Kevin in the case and closed the lid to see where the tip of the granny triangle would sit as there is a buttonish sized gap there. 

Then simply sewed the button onto the case. 

I hope you like this little case and decide to make one for yourself. It's a fun project perfect for using up leftover yarn.

I chose not to make a strap because as you can see from the photo above, Kevins strap sits outside the case and is more than sufficient.  You can of course choose to add one if you prefer!

They can also be used to hold all sorts of things including a few pieces of makeup to keep tidy in your handbag, or you can even make a smaller version for your phone. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S5 which is about as big as Kevin so I am going to use my first prototype crochet case for him. His name is Jimbo.

I hope you did enjoy my tutorial or any others you've found on my little blog.  Many of my tutorials are free for everyone, however if you'd like to make a little donation, it would be gratefully received and contribute towards future free tutorials!


  1. Kevin looks sweet and easy to handle, he looks cosy in his case too. I used to have some invisible thread but can't find it.. boom boom!!
    It's a great case that will be great for lots of different things, very colourful as well so unlike my invisible thread it won't be easily lost. :)
    Jan x

    1. Lol! I just sat here for a few minutes trying to think of another invisible thread related pun, but can't top yours!
      Kevin is pretty user friendly and now can come everywhere with me safe and snug!
      Thanks for visiting xox lou

  2. Kevin looks very happy and I would be too snuggled up in a pretty little sleeping bag like that!

  3. Kevin's little 'jacket' is so colourful. I love the mini squares :)

    1. Thank you! I'm currently thinking up some sort of mini granny square placemats as well. But they're still just thoughts rolling around in my brain! Possible next tutorial?

  4. What a pretty jacket for Kevin, bet he feels comfy and warm in there. Thanks taking the time for the tutorial.

    1. Thank you, he loves it! And thanks for stopping by!

  5. I have a sort of Kevin but a lavender Panasonic, not named yet and must admit do have to stitch a case for her. Mine is a her as think the colour is more a girl than a boy. Lovely tutorial now if only I could crochet.....

    1. You could make a small version of your lilac butterfly bag for your camera! Then put it on your blog!

  6. What a cute little case. Thanks for all the instructions. Very comprehensive.

    1. Thank you! I hope it isn't TOO detailed for anyone who wants to make them!

  7. Kevin is a very lucky camera, and I love how detailed your tutorial is.

    1. Thanks Lucy! It's the first time I've written a tutorial for something that I created so I hope it doesn't come across as over explaining!

  8. I love your bright crochet bag - beautiful, you won't be loosing your camera in the bottom of your bag!!

    1. Thank you Vicky! And less likely to be scratched!

  9. Hi Louise, I'm loving Kevin's little case! I'm so glad I'm not the only crocheter (?) not to bond anything! I tried (and epically failed) with snowflakes- stupidly pinned them to cardboard!

    I'm still on the hats - new post about the other brim one just published (again highlighting some disasters!)!

    1. I just read it. Amazing! I can't believe you even tried using that orange stuff! For the v stitch hat have you read the pattern by Luba Davies?

  10. I love it! It's so colorful and it makes you happy :) Thanks for sharing this nice tutorial.

    1. I'm so glad you like it! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)


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